There is no greater thing one can do for their financial journey than to start early and head in the right direction.

How we support early and mid-career individuals and families

  • Lower Asset Minimums

    We believe that some of the most impactful financial decisions are made in the first half of a person’s life. StillWater is focused on offering services and personalized advisor support with lower asset minimums than much of the industry to help clients navigate those critical years

  • Customized Financial Solutions

    People and situations are unique. We see it as a disservice to try to fit every client in one specific model. So, we built our offer to be customizable where each client can receive the support they value most right now, with options to easily pivot as needs change.

  • Leveraging Technology

    When you are in the early or middle stages of your career, you are pulled in different directions towards career, family, friends, hobbies, and more. We invest in modern technology that can help streamline information delivery and help clients efficiently stay informed

  • Comprehensive Support

    Just because you have fewer investable assets does not mean that you need less support. In fact, many life altering decisions are made before you have significant wealth to manage. That is why we do not withhold expertise and support options based on size of account.